Thursday 25th June Blog

Date: 19th Jun 2020 @ 5:42pm

Hi everyone!

You're almost there- one more get up! :)



Sports 4 Kids Challenge today: for National School Sports Week :)

Awesome kids workout-


I have attached another Reading Comprehension at the bottom of this page- all about Summer Solstice. You decide which difficulty level to complete.


I have also attached some problem solving worksheets for you to have a go at.


English:  Shakespeare and Twelfth Night


DT:  Anthropometrics and Ergonomics

Finally, here is a fab picture of Dylan, who is still doing his Joe Wicks workout and has been since day one! Apparently, he is also now a professional 'scone maker' and has been testing lots of them with jam and cream- yummm! That sounds delicious Dylan. Thank you for your picture!


I hope you are all enjoying the beautiful weather today. Remember to keep applying that suncream and drink plenty of water- especially if you are doing sports!

Write to you all tomorrow :)

Miss Davies 


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