Thursday 23rd Blog

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 10:59am

Gooood morning everybody!


It is, yet again, another beautiful day today so far.

So, it’s St George’s Day today! I have therefore found a website with some cool activities on for you to look at:


It is also the anniversary of the birth (and death) of one of my favourite people in history- William Shakespeare!

Why don’t you watch this video from Horrible Histories about Shakespeare going to school:

If you want to know more about William Shakespeare (more serious stuff), then try this website-

And if you want to watch some short, children’s versions of Shakespeare’s plays, go here:


I have had some more lovely emails this morning! You lot do know how to cheer me up!

One was from Maya, saying she misses everyone, with a lovely picture of her enjoying the online virtual dance lessons she is doing every day. Keep up the fab work, Maya!


I have also had an email from Millie, who has blown me away again with her superb writing skills. She has written an amazing story for the Super Writers Competition. Here is a short snippet of it:


It is also great to see so many of you on Purple Mash. Even more of you have completed the SPaG task I set you on colons to introduce items in a list. HUGE shoutout to:

James, Dylan, Millie, Zoe, Amelie, Elisha, Oliver S, Sonny, Oliver B, Jayden, Lucy W and Lexie!


Also, a huge WELL DONE to Lily, for the work she submitted today, reminding us all about Staying Safe On the Internet- especially during a time when we are all using computers more and more! Here is her work:


More wonderful work for you to do:

So, as I have given you so much Literacy and topic work lately, I thought I would give you some marvellous maths to do.

As you all know, we do lots of problem solving and reasoning in our maths lessons at school. Well, this website (White Rose) makes some of the challenges you do in class, and they have created some FREE home learning lessons online. This is the website:

If you click on Week 1 (Decimals to start), as we have missed a few weeks of it already, you will find lots of fun videos/ PowerPoints and worksheets - all free for you to use every day!

I’m not going to witter on too long today, children, but just remember- keep exercising, keep working hard, but remember to stay happy, healthy and…


Speak to you all tomorrow,


Miss Davies