Thursday 23rd April

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 12:37pm

Happy Thursday, Year 6! 

Isn't this week just flying by? By now, I would hope that you've made a good start on your WWII project. Please do try to make the most of it and put as much effort in as you possibly can. Like I said on Tuesday, this topic is so sad but also extremely interesting and important. What happened during the Second World War was one of the most horrific events to ever take place- it is vital that we learn all about it and learn from it. The effects of that event are still being felt on a daily basis by lots of people and it is an important part of our country's history. Remember, if you want to send your work in to school to be seen, please do! You can email Some of you have already been doing this, which is wonderful. It's lovely to hear from you all. 

Don't forget that BBC Bitesize are continuing to provide daily lessons on their site (go back to my previous blogs for the link). Today's lessons look great- there is a literacy lesson on using adjectives for description and a music lesson which involves singing. Why not give them a go? You all have lovely singing voices! 

Today is also St. George's day. St George is the patron saint of England, so it is a day to celebrate today. At the bottom of this blog, I have attached a little information for you to have a look at. If you have finished your projects, or would just like a little extra work, why not produce a poster, biography or poem all about St George? 

Once again, we are being spoilt by yet another beautiful, sunny day. Do make the most of it! We don't know how long it will last! Getting fresh air and doing some exercise will refresh and revitalise you. 

Today, I would like to give a big shout out to Ben. He has been in touch with school a couple of times via his mum, and she has been sending us photographs of what he has been getting up to. Here is a photograph of Ben enjoying dinner on his new outdoor furniture. 

Hi Ben! It is lovely to see you smiling! 

I'm not going to give you any more tasks for today, as I would really like you focus on your project and make it the best you possibly can. (I'd love it if you could keep up with daily reading and Times Tables Rockstars, too. ) 


Don't forget, tomorrow's Bitesize lessons include an important session on transition to high school. Please do have a look at it- I think it would be really useful for you. 

I will speak to you again tomorrow, guys.


Have a great day!

Mrs Naylor smiley

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