Thursday 16th July

Date: 16th Jul 2020 @ 8:36am

Morning, guys!

We are almost at the end of the week... still two school days left to get lots of those tasks completed from Monday's blog. If you are struggling to remember what they were, here is the list. 

1. Make a piece of artwork that sums up your time at St. Mary's (you might want to add the school badge, sporting equipment, a ruler, pencil, smiling faces, your name, your friends' names, etc).

2. Write down one thing you are proud of this year. 

3. Write down one thing you remember fondly about school. What is your favourite memory of St. Mary's?

4. Compose your own leavers' poem.

5. Go onto your high school's website and look into it as much as possible. See if you can learn the names of some of your teachers, find a club you might be interested in joining and see if you can find your form tutor. 

6. Write a letter to yourself one year from now. What will you want to remember? How do you feel now and how do you think you'll feel in a year's time?

7. Compose a short note for someone in a younger class, giving them advice about being in Year 6.


In school, we have done quite a few of these, and we have also managed to paint a bench in memory of our rainbow class from 2020. We have all designed a small picture to go on the bench, along with our names. For those of you who are not in school, don't worry; we are going to include your names on the bench, too. yes


Today is our 'PGL with a difference' day! We are really excited about taking part in lots of activities (and we are praying for dry weather). At home, why not try and take part in some sporty activities yourself today? If you can't be with us in body, you can certainly be with us in spirit! smiley

You could also use this time to reflect on your year in Year 6: what have you enjoyed? What do you think you will miss the most? Is there anything you want to achieve in Year 7 that you maybe didn't get chance to in Year 6? If you do manage to do some reflections, or write down your favourite memories from school, please send me a quick email with them in so they can go on our leavers' PowerPoint. 


Have a great day, everyone and I will speak to you tomorrow. 


Mrs Naylor heart