Thursday 16th July Blog

Date: 9th Jul 2020 @ 2:22pm


It's Thursday already!

Morning, everybody! Are you ready for some more learning today?

Don't forget, I will still be posting blogs until next Wednesday- they won't have work on to complete for each day, but they will include some 'transition' activities for over the Summer to prepare you for moving up to Year 6. PLUS, I will be posting a message from Mrs Naylor (your new teacher next year, in case you weren't sure) on Monday!


Home Learning work for today:


My task: Estimate Angles Game 2do on Purple Mash

Home Learning Pack: Fractions of amounts in context

BBC Bitesize: Understand and interpret timetables



My task: Write a description of the image on this website:

  • Think of the 5 senses
  • Use a thesaurus or find ambitious vocabulary to create 3AD sentences
  • Try to use lots of conjunctions
  • Use modifiers- extremely, absolutely, unbelievably etc…


Home Learning Pack: Plan a Story (you could link it to the image above)

BBC Bitesize: Writing a myth


Topic work:

 BBC Bitesize: Dance and Music- Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland- The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party- Riddles and Rhymes


More from me, tomorrow 😊

Miss Davies