This Is My Life...So Far!

Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 8:46am

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Come and See

This week, in our Come and See lessons, we have been learning all about another faith: Judaism is the religion we have studied. We have found it extremely interesting to learn all about the beliefs and traditions of this religion. Our focus has been on Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and the value of atonement. 

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In literacy lessons, we have been writing our very own autobiographies! This is linked to our current topic, 'Identity'. We have really enjoyed writing all about our lives so far and Mrs Naylor has been really impressed with how we are taking on board our writing targets and trying our best to achieve them. The finished pieces will be kept in our writing portfolios. 

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Christmas, Christmas, Christmas!

With only three full weeks until our Christmas play, rehearsals are in full swing up in Year 6. We are now practising our play on the stage, which is very difficult as we now have to think about stage directions and actions as well as our words! We are incredibly excited to perform our play for you all soon.