Once upon a time - Science

Date: 26th Jan 2018 @ 4:32pm

We've had lots of fun in science over these last couple of weeks. Last week we investigated how good straw, sticks and bricks actually are for building. The children had great fun and the classroom looked like a farmyard. The children found out lots and gave great reasons as to why they would or wouldn't build with the materials. Some good reasons were, creepy crawlies can get through the gaps in the sticks and you would be really itchy living in a straw house. The children then pretended they were the 4th little pig went on to design their own houses, and gave great reasons for their choices of materials. There were some very elaborate homes that I'm sure the other 3 little pigs would have loved.

This week we have been learning about John Mc Adam, the inventor roads as we know them today. He created the smooth, slightly curved road surfaces that let rainwater run off, this was known as Macadamisation and later tar was added hence, the invention tar-mac (McAdam). The children were very interested and I believe some have been teaching their parents about John McAdam.

We have also started a new mini science topic linked to the story 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. Today we found out about the life cycle of a bean plant and next week we will be copying Jack and planting our own beans to see if we can grow our own giant beanstalks.

Lots of fun ahead and roll on next week.