The Great Fire of London

Date: 29th Jan 2020 @ 9:44pm


Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update on our exciting topic this half term.  Has your child told you any fascinating facts about The Great Fire of London?  Have they mentioned what exactly happened on Pudding Lane? Have you heard of Samuel Pepys?  If you know the answer to any of these questions from your child then that is brilliant!  Year 1 are hooked on The Great Fire of London and are thoroughly enjoying learning about it as a historical event and why exactly it is remembered.

So far, the children have created acrostic poems on the theme of fire and The Great Fire of London, explored how to write a diary entry as if they were Samuel Pepys and this week are putting their reporter hats on as they report 'live from the scene of the fire!' We hope they stay safe as they become budding reporters, giving us the events as they unfold all those years ago in September 1666.

Keep a look out for any photos and videos we upload on here!

Mrs Taylor and the Y1 team 

Image result for the great fire of london