The Countdown to Christmas and More...

Date: 25th Nov 2021 @ 12:18pm

Hello everybody!

We have been very busy in Year 2 over the last couple of weeks. A big "Well Done!" to all those who have achieved “Superstar” status in class, been awarded stickers, house points and/or certificates. Keep up the terrific work! ? Everyone is beginning to get excited about Christmas! Here is a snapshot of what we have been up to lately…

As part of our ‘Come and See’ curriculum, we have enjoyed learning about other religions. In particular, we have been finding out more about the Hindu and Jewish faiths. Check out our gallery pictures to see us learning about what happens during ‘puja’- Hindu ceremonial worship.


In our topic lessons, we have loved learning all about Guy Fawkes and The Gunpowder Plot. We have enjoyed watching video clips as well as reading about what happened. We have been using timelines to sequence key events from the gunpowder plot in chronological order and have produced some fantastic writing in the forms of ‘Wanted’ posters and newspaper articles recounting this historic event. We have even used the computers to produce ‘WordArt’ designs all about the Gunpowder Plot for our class display using some of our key vocabulary from this topic.

gunpowder plot.png

Rehearsals for our “Happy Clappy Nativity” are now well underway and we are all getting very excited. Remember, our performances will take place on Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th December at 2.15pm in the Infant Hall. For more details about the measures in place due to Covid- 19, please see the newsletter dated 26th November.



With just over 3 weeks to go until the end of Autumn Term 2, we still have lots of exciting things coming up such as our much-loved Christmas movie night, Christmas pantomime and some exciting Science and DT curriculum lessons -including growing our own poppy seeds.

Mrs Ryan, Mrs TD, and all the Year 2 team are so proud of all the children and their fantastic attitudes. We are sure they will enjoy these last few weeks of term just as much as us!


Take care everyone,

Mrs Ryan, Mrs TD & The Year 2 Team ?