Thank You

Date: 20th Jul 2018 @ 8:24pm

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick note to say a huge thank you on behalf of myself, Miss Barnes and Mrs Hankin for your very generous gifts and kind words today.  You are very kind and it is very, very much appreciated.

It has been an absolute pleasure to teach and get to know your children better this year.  They have been absolutely wonderful and are a credit to you all.

Looking at the powerpoint today, it was amazing to see just how much your children have grown and matured since starting with us in reception class.

Hopefully, between us, we have given them the skills to tackle High School without too much trouble and we would like to take this opportunity to wish them all every success for the future.   

Many, many thanks for all the support that you, as parents, have given us throughout the year.  Have a wonderful Summer.

Mrs Hrab, Miss Barnes an Mrs Hankin x x laugh