Terrific Time Telling for Y1

Date: 28th Jun 2020 @ 12:11pm

Hi Everyonesmiley

I can see that these children have been working really hard with all their maths work on Education City:-

Matilda, Ewan and Scarlett.  Well done you guys and galsyes!


These children have also made a super effort:-

Alfie Ba, Jessica, Georgia, James, Sam, Bobby, Lucas, Maddie and Oliver.  Well done to you tooyes!


I can also see that some of you have never been on it yet.  Come on Y1!  Let’s make a real effort for you all to have a go at the wide range of maths that I have put in your My Cities for you to complete.  This fun way to practise maths will help you massively as you start Y2.  If you have forgotten how to log on, please refer to the earlier maths blogs where I detailed this for a number of weeks.


If we had been in school as normal, we would have been returning to our topic of time.  Most children can place the hands on a clock to make o’clock times but they find placing the hands on the clock to make accurate half past times more difficult.  Please practise at home by drawing or printing and cutting out ‘big and small hands’ and getting your child to place them accurately on a clock face.  It is very important that the small hand is halfway between the number that it has gone past and the next number, otherwise the time is incorrect. 


As well as this, learn the order of the days of the week and months of the year and talk about the relationship between different units of time, e.g. seconds, minutes, hours, etc.


Also, talk about which unit of time would be used to measure different activities e.g. you would measure how long it would take to build a house in weeks or months but you would measure how long it takes to do 10 jumps in seconds.


I have put some activities on Education City to help you with these objectives.


Good luck!


Mrs Duffyheartheart