Terrific Time Telling for Y1

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 3:11pm

Hello all you amazing time tellers

Did you know that the clocks went forward on Sunday morning? The days will be getting longer and it will start to be light when you are having your tea.  We have learnt all about seasonal change in our science lessons and we are now well and truly in the season of spring.  It is a good job you were all learning about time and how to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour, in our maths lessons, just before school finished.


To help you practise your time skills, I have set up some time tasks for you to do on Education City on the internet. 


When you received your packs, it contained your Education City username and password.   Here are the instructions for accessing your work saved especially for you in your maths group folders:-

  • Log on to Education City using your username and password and don’t forget to input the country- England!
  • On the Home Page, click on the green homework icon
  • Click on the homework (not classwork) tab
  • Click on the Year 1 maths group that is your group in class (each folder will only record data for the names of the children that are in that group in class)
  • Choose from the learning screens and activities that are in your folder
  • Complete activity
  • The program will show you (and me!) your scores and corrections
  • See if you can beat your previous score



Good luck time tellers!

Lots of hugs from Mrs Duffy