Telling the Time

Date: 14th Jun 2017 @ 9:37am


In literacy lessons this week, we have been continuing with our current genre, which is play scripts. We have spent some time looking at stage directions and we now know the correct positions for stage left, stage right, up stage and down stage. We have also looked at how brackets can be used for stage directions and we can now use brackets in our writing. Towards the end of this week, we will be starting to practise writing play scripts by changing a conversation into play script format. 

Image result for stage left


In numeracy lessons this week, we have been learning to tell the time on an analogue clock. We looked at this a few months ago, so now we are revisiting the topic to ensure we can tell the time with increasing accuracy. We have had lots of opportunities to take part in practical activities during our numeracy lessons, including playing a time board game, making time ice cream cones and playing an interactive time game on our class SMARTboard. Towards the end of the week, we will be applying our understanding of telling the time onto clocks with Roman numerals. We will still need to practise telling the time at home, so please make sure to practise this whenever possible with your children. 

Image result for telling the time for children


In science, we are continuing to learn about plants and growth, as this is our last topic. We have recapped the 7 life processes and how all 7 must be present for something to be considered alive. We were given some items and had to fill in a table to ascertain if the objects were alive or not. Those items included a daffodil, caterpillar, a shoe and a table. We can now confidently talk about the 7 life processes (often referred to as MRS NERG). Next week, we will be planning and carrying out an investigation to see how plants grow in different conditions. We will be planting cress seeds in different locations and observing the change over time. 

In other news, our sunflowers are really starting to flourish! Miss Barnes had to buy us some sticks to prop up our flowers as they are growing so tall that they had started to bend. Keep an eye on the website for some updated photographs in the coming weeks.

Image result for sunflower


In computing, we are completing a topic called 'Digital Literacy'. Throughout the topic, we have been getting to grips with technology and using it for different purposes. We have improved our typing speed by playing key recognition games, as well as typing up extracts from a children's novel. We have also started to use the class digital camera to capture exciting learning moments in Year 3. Finally, we have started to produce a booklet based on 'Billionaire Boy'. We produced a great piece of writing before the holidays, in which we described what our mansion would look like if we were billionaires. We are typing up our writing into a booklet format with pictures and a front cover.