Tea@2 - My First Guests

Date: 22nd Sep 2017 @ 3:03pm

I welcomed my first Tea@2 guests today. The children were very excited to have been chosen and they were all keen to talk about school life . My guests this week were Rebecca Mo (Y6), Ella Slater (Y5), Lila Amor (Y4), Oliver Birch (Y3), Kiera Lawrenson (Y2), Charlie Bligh (Y1) and Grace Simmonite (R)

I discovered that they had all had a busy summer. Rebecca had attended a dance festival and won! Well done Rebecca. Oliver went to Turkey and said it was very hot and didn’t rain once. Grace told me that she is going to Turkey in the holidays and that she is going to wear Maddison’s life jacket as she doesn’t know how to swim without arm bands yet. Lila visited a farm and went into a meerkat enclosure. She let the meerkats crawl all over her! Ella went to Spain and went fishing on a boat and even saw dolphins. Charlie and Kiera went camping and had a great time.

All of the children said that they enjoy coming to school and are happy in their new classes. The junior children are enjoying their new topic based curriculum whilst in the infants Charlie likes playing on the IPad, Kiera enjoys doing joined up writing and Grace likes playing with the toys in the home corner.

The children asked about having new toys for the playgrounds. They suggested skipping ropes, footballs and bats and balls. I said that I would have a look through some catalogues and place an order.

The children all had lovely manners and I really enjoyed spending time with them.

Have a lovely weekend everyone