Super Spellings (ew and oe) for Super Spellers

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 1:11pm

Hello all of you little Year 1 munchkins

Have you been missing your Letters and Sounds homework?  Probably not, but perhaps your mummies and daddies want to keep practising with you!  As this is the last week of term, only the library Letters and Sounds Group (Mrs McDonald's group) were timetabled to receive new spellings.  The  classroom Letters and Sounds group (Mrs Duffy's and Mrs Taylor's group) were timetabled to review and revise all of the letters and sounds and high frequency words that they have learnt so far, so if you could continue to do this with the homework sent home previously then this will stand you in good stead for Y2. 

Both groups would benefit from writing sentences containing the words below with the correct punctuation, conjunctions and adjectives.


Please find the words that Mrs McDonald's group need to learn below:


Rule -  ew and oe


crew         flew           threw          chew           brew          grew          screw  


toe        foe        Joe        goes        hoe        heroes        potatoes        tomatoes   


Please also practise spelling other simple words that contain these rules. 


High Frequency Words

Please learn to read these words by sight:-


looked   time   your   called


A flashcard approach is sometimes the best way to help children to learn to read these words.


Please learn to spell these words:-




With big hugs from Mrs Duffy