Summer Term Home School

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 12:15pm

Welcome back to Home School everyone!

Hope you have all had a lovely Easter Break with your families! The Easter Bunny visited the Talbot-Davies house and left us all some tasty treats. Hope you had some treats too!

After you have had a rest from all your school work, let’s hope you’re ready for some new summer learning challenges.  Here are just a few reminders about you can help make home learning work for you!

Try to follow a simple routine and stick to it!  For those of you who like to start the day with exercise I know lots of you are enjoying the daily Joe Wicks work-out on You Tube. Please make sure you are reading every day as this is so important. 

The White Rose Maths Hub home learning is excellent and provides a daily maths lesson with activities to follow.  It is continuing to look at fractions and follows on from what we were doing in school.  Next week it looks at measuring using cm, again we have covered this in school.

For some new challenges I have set up Education City Homework.  This term we can all learn to tell the time!  Start with o’clock and half past, then try to do quarter to and quarter past and finally learn to tell the time in 5 minute intervals.  This should take you about two weeks of learning and there are lots of lovely online activities to help you learn to tell the time. There are also some 2Dos set up on Purple Mash which you can have a go at. As well I have added some new spelling work, (spelling words with suffixes) and the times tables work has been tackled by some of you (I can see all those children who are really trying with this – and their scores – on my Success Tracker page) so I have added some extra challenge for those children out there who love a challenge.

The BBC are setting up lots of daily lessons via BBC Bitesize so take a look at these.  They are available online and also via the red button on TV.  I am going to look at these in more detail this week.  BBC Sounds will have a daily 10 minute podcast for all those parents out there who need some tips and will also feature relevant content for each age group.

If you take a look at the Long Term Curriculum on the Y2 Curriculum Tab on the website you can see the content covered in Spring Term 2020 and this could be revised using the BBC resources.  Alternatively for new content see Summer Term and see if the BBC Content matches this.  There are some excellent video clips, and some live lessons which look really fun!

Our topic this term is Hot and Cold, so you could start this off looking at an atlas and finding hot and cold parts of the world.  We are going to look at the continent of Africa in some detail.  You could find out some animals which  live in Africa and do some research, either online or from books you might have at home.  Those of you who love to draw could draw some pictures of different types of animals found in Africa and you could label their body parts.  Later in the week Mrs Ryan will be giving you some project ideas for our Hot and Cold topic.

Hope this is enough to get you all started and I will post again tomorrow!

Mrs TD