Summer Term 2 - Week Five

Date: 7th Jul 2023 @ 11:24am

Hi everyone,

What a very busy week!

This week's story was the ‘Cautious Caterpillar’. We discussed Cody the caterpillar's fear of transforming into a butterfly. Cody eventually learned to embrace her incredible transformation with the help of her friends. We discussed how we are preparing for change as our first year of school comes to an end and we begin our second year in Year 1.  We understand that change can be a little scary, but it can also be exciting.  We spent some time sharing our Reception memories with one another and helped to prepare the classroom for our new Reception friends.

We learned the tricky words ‘do’ and ‘when’ this week in phonics. The children also worked hard to spell many of the difficult words they learned in Level 3 phonics.  Additionally, we practised reading and spelling polysyllabic words like ‘treetop,’ ‘flowers,’ and ‘toothbrush’, as well as doing some super sentence writing. Please continue to review all Level 2 and 3 sounds with your children at home. This revision will boost their confidence while also improving their phonic skills.

This week in maths, we looked at different ways to measure time, including sand timers, a countdown timer and a kitchen timer. We also played hide and seek as part of our Wellie Walk. We took turns counting to 10 and then to 20 to give each other time to hide. We discovered that counting quickly gave us less time to hide from our friends!

In Come and See, we thought about how wonderful God's world is. The children had a great time drawing two pictures of God's wonderful word, one for land and one for sea. We also talked about how we could make our world even better by helping those need. 

We ended the week by celebrating Mrs McDonald's birthday. We had a good time celebrating by eating delicious cakes. Happy Birthday, Mrs McDonald!

We hope that you have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team 



Star Pupil Award

Hettie is this week's Star Pupil Award winner. You are a super star, well done! 

Bucket Filler Award

This week's Bucket Filler is Chloe. She consistently upholds our School Values. Excellent work!

Good Work Award

Ryder received this week's Good Work award for super subtraction work. Well done!