Summer Term 1- Week Six

Date: 24th May 2023 @ 4:01pm

Hi everyone,

We have been extremely busy the last three days! This week, the children have been enjoying the nice weather and having a lot of fun with sand and water.

In phonics, we have been working hard to consolidate previously taught sounds before our half-term break. We are so proud of all of the children. Please try to continue to review all Level 2 and 3 sounds with your children at home. This revision will boost their confidence while also improving their phonic skills.

In maths, we have been practising number bonds to 5 and 10. We have also worked hard to ensure that our numbers are correctly formed.

Our clay animal models were ready to be painted this week. We chose the colours with care and took our time adding details. We are amazing artists! 

This week in Drawing Club, we looked at the classic children's programme, The Magic Roundabout. We drew Zebedee and had a good time drawing Mr Rusty's house. Drawing Club has been a big hit with the children this week. 

We finished the week with a Wellie Walk. We were extremely fortunate with the weather! We celebrated our hard work by sitting in a circle, listening to a story, and eating delicious cupcakes. 

We hope that you have a relaxing half-term break,

See you soon!

The Reception Team