Summer Term 1- Week Four

Date: 12th May 2023 @ 11:48am

Hi everyone,

We have had a very busy week this week.  We began the week by discussing King Charles III's coronation and sharing our memories of this event. We also heard Miriam (our lovely class puppet) tell us about her weekend in London, and she even showed us some photos from her trip.  Miriam also informed us that she had posted our letters to the King, and we are now anticipating a response to our special letters. Watch this space!!!!

The 'King and the Moon' was our focus story this week. We listened attentively to the story and can now retell it. The children had a great time pretending to be different characters from the story and creating some fantastic character dialogue. We are very proud of you. The children also had fun using oil pastels to create some fantastic 'King and the Moon' artwork. Take a look at the photographs below.

In phonics, we have been working like bees! We have continued to work hard on revisiting all Level 3 sounds and will begin Level 4 learning next week. Please try to continue to review all Level 2 and 3 sounds with your children at home. This revision will boost their confidence while also improving their phonic skills

In maths, we've been looking closely at the inverse relationship between subtraction and addition. For example, we used our knowledge of our addition number bonds to 5 facts to help with some subtraction sentences, knowing that 3+2=5, so 5-2=3. This was then used when subtracting numbers from ten. In addition, we used a number line to subtract numbers. We've been very busy! The children have been given a home learning activity, which helps to reinforce the work they have been doing in school. It would be lovely if you could upload a photograph of your child's work to Evidence Me so we can celebrate their learning.

Drawing Club has been introduced in our Reception Class during the school day. Every week, we get a new story, whether it is a cartoon or a traditional tale. We are then introduced to new vocabulary and we are asked to help create actions to help us remember the words. We must then draw a detailed picture to accompany the story! Drawing Club helps to foster a love of reading while also developing fine motor skills, numeracy, and language skills. This week’s story was ‘Bear Hunt’. Check out some of our fabulous creations below!

This week's Wellie Walk was a lot of fun! We enjoyed feeling the sun on our skin and discussing which parts of our bodies could feel the warmth of the sun. The children also had fun doing bark rubbings with crayons. 

Finally, we celebrated the end of our topic 'Good News' in Come and See. We recognise that everyone has Good News to share, and that Pentecost is a celebration of Jesus' Good News.

We hope that you have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team