Summer 2 - Week Four

Date: 30th Jun 2023 @ 12:04pm

Ahoy there everyone!

We were disappointed that our Sports Day on Tuesday had to be cancelled due to rain, but we have had a great time learning about Pirates this week. We read 'Polly Parrot Picks a Pirate' and created some fantastic….and terrifying pirate descriptions.  We also made treasure maps and stained them with tea bags. Furthermore, the children had a great time making boats out of various materials and then testing them in our new water tray to see if they sank or floated!

We learned the tricky words 'were,' 'there,' 'little,' and 'one' this week in phonics. The children also worked hard to spell many of the difficult words they learned in Level 3 phonics.  Additionally, we practised reading and spelling CVCC words like 'tent,' 'flag,' and 'lunch,' as well as doing some excellent sentence writing. Please continue to review all Level 2 and 3 sounds with your children at home. This revision will boost their confidence while also improving their phonic skills.

We continued to explore money this week in maths by using different coins to make the same amount. We also investigated heavy and light objects and used this knowledge to determine whether objects sink or float.

This week's Drawing Club story was Pirate Pete by Nick Sharratt. We really enjoyed drawing Pirate Pete and his pirate ship! We also learned new words, such as  'navigate', 'cutlass' and 'voyage'. 

A pirate-themed activity sheet has been sent home! Please choose one of the activities and upload a photo of the completed task to Evidence Me. The children love sharing their experiences outside of school with their friends.

Over the next three weeks, we will begin our transition to Year 1. This will include talking about all different adventures we will have in Year 1 and how we are now ready for Year 1, as well as visiting our new classroom and meeting our new teachers.

We hope that you have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team