Summer 2- Week Three

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 1:23pm

Hi everyone,

What a lovely week we have had!

This week, we enjoyed reading 'Topsy and Tim Go on an Aeroplane' and 'Topsy and Tim go on Holiday' . We talked about the holidays and day trips we might take. We also discussed getting ready for a holiday and how we would get there. 

We had a great time getting ready for our trip to Spain. We walked to St Mary's Airport, checked in, went through security, and had a fabulous time shopping in Duty Free! It was then time to board the aircraft. We found our seats, sat, and fastened our seatbelts. Our fabulous cabin crew performed a safety demonstration! We had a strange feeling in our stomachs when the aeroplane took off, and some of the children said their ears popped! After a long and exhausting flight, we were relieved to arrive in Spain! Some children even clapped when the aeroplane landed. When we arrived in Spain, we had a great time taking part in some exciting Spanish activities like colouring in Spanish flags, flamenco dancing, and making fans. In the afternoon, we sampled some Spanish cuisine (paella and patatas bravas) while listening to Spanish music. We love learning about other cultures!

In phonics, we are continuing to enjoy our Level 4 learning. The tricky words ‘come' and 'some' were introduced to us.  The children have also been working hard to spell a lot of the tricky words that they learned during Level 3 phonics. Additionally, we practised reading and spelling CVCC words like ‘stop’, ‘green’, and ‘brush’. Please try to continue to review all Level 2 and 3 sounds with your children at home. This revision will boost their confidence while also improving their phonic skills

This week in maths, we looked at money and discussed the various coins we use to buy things. We also used coins to make different amounts and enjoyed doing some coin rubbings. The children have been given a home learning activity, which helps to reinforce the work they have been doing in school. It would be lovely if you could upload a photograph of your child's work to Evidence Me so we can celebrate their learning.

We finished our week with some beach art. We had a lot of fun bubble painting and making our pictures with various collage materials. Checkout some photographs below!

We will be learning all about pirates next week and will be doing a lot of junk modelling based on this theme. Please save any small cardboard boxes or yoghurt pots from the weekend and bring them to school next week. Thank you very much.

We hope that you have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team