Summer 2- Week 6

Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 8:29am

Hi everyone,

What another busy week!

This week, we read Oliver Jeffers' story 'Ruby's Worry' and talked about any worries we had and how talking about them made us feel better. Then we made our own Worry Dolls. We know we can confide in our worry dolls and tell them about our worries. We also talked about the transition to Year 1 and visited our new classroom!

We learned the tricky words ‘out’ and ‘what’ this week in phonics. The children also worked hard to spell many of the difficult words they learned in Level 3 phonics. Please keep reviewing all Level 2 and 3 sounds with your children at home during the summer holiday. This revision will support their learning in Year 1. The children have been given a summer task booklet that includes some exciting activities. There is no need to return the booklet to school, so please do what you can and when you can over the summer break.

In maths, we have been doing lots of revision, including revisiting our number bonds to 10 and expanding on our understanding of relationships between consecutive numbers. The children have been given a summer task booklet that includes some exciting activities. There is no need to return the booklet to school, so please do what you can and when you can over the summer break.

We hope that you have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team