Summer 2 - Week 1

Date: 7th Jun 2024 @ 10:04am

Welcome back, everyone,

We have had a very busy three days this week! This week, we began our new topic on transport and holidays by sharing the story of the Naughty Bus, written by Jerry and Jan Oke. We had a great time reading this book, making up our own adaptations of the story, and doing some craft activities with a bus theme.

This week, we have also been preparing for our sports day. The children are doing an excellent job of following instructions.

In phonics, we spent some time reviewing previously taught Level 2 and 3 sounds, as well as tricky words. We are very proud of the children, they work extremely hard.

In maths, we practised using terminology like 'equal sharing' and 'unequal sharing' as we explored how to share objects equally among groups.

We hope that you have a restful weekend,

The Reception Team