Summer 2- The first week back!

Date: 9th Jun 2023 @ 11:34am

Hi everyone,

What a jam-packed first week back!

We have been learning about ‘Transport’ this week, and we have enjoyed reading the 'Naughty Bus’ story. The children had fun making up their own versions of the story and sharing them with their friends. We also enjoyed participating in numerous craft activities based on the story, the ‘Naughty Bus’. As well as traffic lights and a zebra crossing, we created our own naughty bus. Check out some photographs below.

This week, we started Level 4 phonics. The tricky words ‘said’ and ‘so’ were introduced to us.  The children have also been working hard to spell a lot of the tricky words that they learned during Level 3 phonics. Additionally, we practised reading and spelling CVCC words like ‘milk’, ‘land’, ‘jump,’ and ‘paint’. Please try to continue to review all Level 2 and 3 sounds with your children at home. This revision will boost their confidence while also improving their phonic skills

In maths, we learned about sharing equally. We talked about whether the amounts we shared were fair or unfair. The children have been given a home learning activity, which helps to reinforce the work they have been doing in school. It would be lovely if you could upload a photograph of your child's work to Evidence Me so we can celebrate their learning.

We have also been practising road safety outside on the playground. When the traffic light turned red, we had to stop riding our scooters and bikes and wait for it to turn green. Our scooter or bike also had to come to a complete stop whenever someone attempted to cross the zebra crossing.

During this week's Wellie Walk, our listening abilities were put to the test. We had fun playing 'traffic lights'. There was a jog to begin the game. The moment the colour "red" was called, we had to stop. We then needed to get ready for when "amber" was called. We were able to jog after hearing "green."  We had to pay close attention!

This week in Drawing Club, we looked at the traditional tale, the Gingerbread Man. We had a lot fun drawing the river and the gingerbread man. Then we had to be very imaginative and come up with a new character that the old lady baked in the oven!

We have been talking about Sports Day and the various races we will participate in.  We have been practising running in a straight line from the start of the track to the finish.

Finally, we wrapped up the week with Come and See. We talked about Jesus' New Rules this week. We also discussed how to make amends and what it means to forgive one another in order to rebuild relationships.

We hope that you have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team