Summer 1 - Week 6

Date: 23rd May 2024 @ 5:01pm

Hi everyone,

This week, we read Hollie Hughes' story 'The Girl and the Dinosaur'. We were so inspired to learn about planetology after reading in the story how Marianne discovered the greatest treasure of all - a dinosaur skeleton.

In phonics, we practised writing words with digraphs and trigraphs, as well as correctly forming lower and upper case letters. Please try to review all Level 2 and 3 letter sounds with your child at home during the half term break (do not spend too much time on this.) This revision will boost their confidence while improving their phonic skills.

In maths, we looked at how shapes look when rotated. We also had fun creating our own pictures by manipulating and rotating shapes; there was a lot of problem solving involved!

We have been learning about Pentecost in our To know you More clearly (RE) lessons. We concluded the week by visiting church and performing a streamer dance to the song 'Holy Spirit Fills Me Up'. The children were fantastic, and the Parish Family even gave them a standing ovation 😊.

We wish you a relaxing half term break and look forward to seeing you back at school on Wednesday, 5th June.

The Reception Team