Step into the NHS Competition ENTRY GUIDANCE

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 2:27pm

Hello, you lovely lot!

I hope you are all well and have been enjoying taking part in the NHS project activities I have been setting for you. The time has now come to put all of your learning into practise: I am going to share the competition guidance with you today. 

The aim of the project is to thank the NHS for their services. You now know all about the different roles people can fulfil in the service, and hopefully you will have learned that stereotypes are challenged: midwives and nurses can be men or women, as can doctors, cleaners and any other job! You will also hopefully have thought about how much the NHS does for us. I think you will agree that saying thank you is very important, so give this project your best efforts and you might win a prize!

Top tips for success:

The judges are looking for something attractive and eye-catching.

The judges want to see that you know a lot about the different roles involved in the NHS.

The judges would also like to see you mention how men and women can do any role- there is no stereotyping involved in employing members of staff.

50% of your project will be assessed based on your creativity- they want to see you go that extra mile!

The other 50% will be assessed on what you know about the NHS so show off all of that fantastic learning you've done! 


I've attached a video to this blog so you can see what is expected of you, and I have also attached a document which shows the history of the NHS- maybe you could include some of these facts in your project, too!

Please send your finished entries to the school email once you have finished- I would LOVE to see them! They must be submitted online and I can submit them for you. 


NOTE: ignore the deadline date on the video- it has now been extended to the 19th June. You have got plenty of time to make your entry the best it can be.


Good luck!


Mrs Naylor heartcheeky

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