Date: 25th Jun 2019 @ 8:23am

What a wonderful week we are having to celebrate all things - STEM!


On Monday we welcomed into St Mary's the 2 wonderful ladies from the Science2U company who delighted us all with the marvellous KS1 show - "I wasn't expecting that!"  We were treated to a superb hour of potions, pops and explosions and at one point they even used Mrs Talbot-Davies in one of their experiments (see the photos.)   All of this super science was expertly explained to the children with lots of them getting hands-on experience.  If any of you have ever visited the Catalyst Science Museum in Widnes you will have an idea of some of the activities that took place.  If you haven't ever been it's well worth a visit, perhaps for a day out in the summer holidays.

During the afternoon on Monday the children were invited to take part in some STEM challenge actvities.  It was plain to see the budding engineers and designers of the future.  We had children making trophies, tall towers, waterproof umbrellas, vehicles of varying styles, boats, catapults and a design meant to hide a whole person inside!  Lots of fun (and mess!) was had by all.


We started off today using all the construction materials we have in school.  The children were so creative and used their imaginations to construct some amazing designs - from Space Parks to Science Parks and even a whole Jurassic World.

In the afternoon the children enjoyed using the Lego Technic with Mr Robo to design and build their own robots.  Look at some of our pictures to see what fun we had!


On Wednesday morning the children enjoyed Music and Technology with Mrs Taylor in the Cyberlab.  After that they were set the challenge of using recyled and reclaimed materials to design a mode of transport suitable for the year 3000.  All the children worked really well and impressed us all with their team work and tenacity.  It was a super session where the children worked creatively without any restraints.  


Lots of children came into school today dressed as a scientist, inventor or invention.  Thank you to all those children  (and carers!) who took time to work on these projects at home.  Some children brought into school their inventions made at home. 

We spent the morning researching famous scientists and their place in history.  Once again the children were impressive in their ability to work together to produce  a poster detailing all the facts they have gathered.  The posters looked amazing and each of the children had the opportunity to evaluate each other's work.  We finished it all off with a presentation assembly on Thursday afternoon.

What a marvellous week we've all had!  Sports Day to look forward to next week.

See you all on Monday smiley