Stay and Pray

Date: 18th Sep 2017 @ 11:22am

I had the pleasure of attending our first Stay and Pray session with our new Reception children and their families this morning. The children and their families were welcomed into both our school family and God's family. The children listened to a story from the Bible telling them that God knows each and every one of them - even their parents - and they heard that God calls them by their name.

Miss Davies then called them all by their name and invited them to put their photographs onto the prayer table around our school badge and then the children  brought their own candle to me, for me to light. The lighted candle reminds the children that Jesus is the Light of the World and that they are following in Jesus' light. 

The candles will go home with the children tonight and we've asked them to keep them safe until their Leavers' Assembly when we will light the candles once again to remind them, as they leave St. Mary's, that they are taking the Light of Jesus with them.