Spring Two- Week Three

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 8:03am

Hi everyone,

What a fun week we have had! We shared the story 'Handa’s Surprise' this week. The children enjoyed acting out the story with props, tasting Handa's delicious fruits, and making their own fruit salads. We also did some dancing and listened to African music, and made some amazing African artwork. The children especially had a great time using magnifying glasses to locate Africa on a globe and looking at photographs of African life. We can talk about differences and similarities between life in England and life in Africa.

During this week’s phonics lessons, we revised the digraphs ‘sh, ng and nk’, and learned the tricky word ‘here’. The children have continued to have fun participating in various activities to help them consolidate their phonic knowledge.  Please try to review all Level 2 and 3 sounds with your children at home.This revision will boost their confidence while also improving their phonic skills. Parents/Carers, the children have been given purple handwriting books to practise letter formation at home. Every week, we will ask your child to practise forming various letters. Please return handwriting books no later than Wednesday so that we can set them up and resend them on Friday.

In maths this week, we learned about subtraction. We understand that subtracting a certain number of objects reduces the amount. The children have been given a fun home learning activity, which helps to reinforce the work they have been doing in school. It would be lovely if you could upload a photograph of your child's work to Evidence Me so we can celebrate their learning.

This week in PSHE, we discussed the importance of saying sorry. We talked about how important it is to apologise when you make a mistake. We understand that making mistakes is okay as long as we learn from them. The children came up with some creative ways to express their regret to others (making cards and pictures, writing letters and even singing songs).

We went to church on Wednesday. We were able to identify a variety of signs and symbols that we had learned during our Come and See lessons. We especially enjoyed listening to Mrs. McDonnell play the organ.

During Wellie Walk, we enjoyed going on a Spring Hunt. Whilst on our walk, we looked carefully to spot signs of growth. We were so excited when we spotted some daffodils. We were then inspired to create some spring artwork when we returned to class!

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team