Spring Two- Week Four

Date: 17th Mar 2023 @ 7:14am

Hi everyone,

What another exciting week!

We read the story 'Oliver's Vegetables' this week. We discussed how important it is to eat plenty of vegetables and fruit, and exercise regularly. We have also been talking a lot about hygiene and how we can take care of our bodies. The children stressed how important it is to brush your teeth in the morning and at bedtime. We were thrilled to have Nancy's mum, a nurse, pay us a visit. She talked about the importance of keeping healthy by getting enough sleep, eating nutritious foods, and visiting a doctor’s surgery if we are poorly. Nancy's mum also taught us First Aid. We learned how to apply a bandage to a leg, how to place someone in the recovery position, and, most importantly, how to call an ambulance. The children then created posters to encourage others to stay healthy. In keeping with the story of ‘Oliver's Vegetables’, we also made vegetable soup. The children helped in chopping the vegetables and placing them in the soup maker. We waited patiently until the vegetables were smooth and blended, then ate the soup with some delicious bread. We also had a lot of fun doing some fantastic observational drawings of vegetables.

In phonics, we reviewed the sounds 'ai,' 'ee,' 'igh,' and 'oa,' as well as all of the tricky words we had previously learned. The children have continued to have fun participating in various activities to help them consolidate their phonic knowledge.  Please try to review all Level 2 and 3 sounds with your children at home. This revision will boost their confidence while also improving their phonic skills. Parents/Carers, the children have been given purple handwriting books to practise letter formation at home. Every week, we will ask your child to practise forming various letters. Please return handwriting books no later than Wednesday so that we can set them up and resend them on Friday.

In maths, we have had a lot of fun exploring our number bonds to ten with various equipment. Check out a fun Numberbond to 10 song we have been enjoying this week, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD9tjBUiXs0.  The children have been given a home learning activity, which helps to reinforce the work they have been doing in school. It would be lovely if you could upload a photograph of your child's work to Evidence Me so we can celebrate their learning.

We are still having fun with our Growing topic. During this week's Wellie Walk, we enjoyed sowing vegetable seeds. We are very excited to grow carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, and onions. The children also used their phonic skills to make vegetable signs! 

We hope that you have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team