Last 2 weeks of Spring Term

Date: 31st Mar 2017 @ 5:22am

Hello Everyone

We were very busy during the last two weeks of term.  Here are just a few of the things that we have been doing:


We have enjoyed learning about position, direction and movement.  Miss said we were really good at positional language.smiley  It was quite tricky remembering left and right but our school badge is always on the left so that helped us!  yes  We made ourselves dizzy doing full, half and quarter turns turning both clockwise and anticlockwise.  We have also been learning about multiplication using repeated addition and practical objects to make arrays to help us!


Fantasy has been our topic and we have really enjoyed using books like The Magic Bed and The Great Dragon Rescue to help us create our own fantasy characters (good and bad) and magical objects.  Have you also seen our magic carpets that we made using the technique of weaving?  We are hoping to have some real adventures on them! 


We have some special reading in June so we have not only been practising reading real words, but nonsense words too!  Miss always tells us to put our phoneme spotting glasses cool on so that we can spot when two or three letters together are making one sound.


Come and See:

We have been really interested in learning about the events of Holy Week. Gabriel and Saskia asked so many questions about it that they frazzled Miss Mychalzuck's brain! laugh

Clubs, clubs, clubs:

We have enjoyed taking part in Zumba, football, rugby and archery clubs.  Henry said that archery helps you to count in 5s because all the scores on the target board are in 5s.  Jacob Mc'D said that he enjoys archery because you can play the game 'Making a Pizza' but you must not land on the black otherwise you will burn your pizza!surprise