Spring Term 2019

Date: 24th Jan 2019 @ 3:25pm

Hello everyone, 

We've had a great start to the Spring Term with the launch of our new topic, "Once upon a time," as you can guess we've been enjoying traditional tales in class, but the story we've all really loved is "The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig," the children have completed some rather lovely writing based on this popular alternative version of a traditional tale.

Come and See

Our first Spring topic has been "Books" and a big thank you to all those children and parents that brought in some of their favourite books.  We have been looking at books we use in different places and the special books that we use in church and for our worship in class.  Another great big thank you to all those parents, grandparents and friends who attended our "Stay and Pray" this week.  The children were very reflective and joined in beautifully.



We have been very busy, practising out times tables, collecting, sorting and measuring information (statistics) about some of our favourite things, estimating and measuring using cm and m  and working with money, adding amounts, finding values, recognising £ and p and working out change!

That's all for now!

smiley Mrs TD and the Y2 team