Spellings for Mrs Duffy’s and Mrs Taylor’s classroom spelling group

Date: 6th Jul 2020 @ 9:31am



You have no spelling rules to learn as you have now finished all the spelling rules that are taught in Y1. 


If we had been in school, we would have spent these last few weeks revising and assessing you on the letters and sounds taught in Y1.  Please use this time to revise all the Y1 sounds at home.

Before I sign off I just wanted to let you know that our home schoolers have been very busy again.  Bobby has been practising all of the spellings that have been sent home so far.  I am so proud of you, BobbyEwan has been feeling artistic this week and has been making land art in the style of Andy Goldsworthy.  Mrs Taylor will be so pleased with this EwanOliver has been working super hard on his maths.  He has been recognising all of the coins and notes and completing a maths workbook that his parents bought him.  He must have finished reading George’s Marvellous Medicine as he has completed a reading comprehension on the book.  He also wrote a funny poem about numbers that really made me smile!  Well done, Oliver!


Big hugs from Mrs Duffy