Spellings (alternative spelling of j - part 1) for Mrs Duffy’s and Mrs Taylor’s Classroom Phonics Group

Date: 20th Jun 2020 @ 4:50pm

Hello Y1smiley

Before I give you the spellings for this week, I just wanted to let you know that Ewan emailed school to say he is missing all of his friendssad. In fact he is missing you all so much that he has made a family of monstersdevil on Purple Mash to keep him company until he sees all of his real life friends again!

Here are some new spellings for all you super spellers!

Please learn to read and spell these words that contain one of the alternative spellings of the j sound.  We call the letter g that makes a j sound ‘soft g’.


You would also benefit from writing sentences containing the words with the correct punctuation, conjunctions and adjectives.


Please find the words that Mrs Duffy’s and Mrs Taylor’s classroom phonics group need to learn below:


Rule-Alternative spelling of j – part 1














High Frequency Words


Please learn to read and spell these words:-


    oh   how   did   man



With Big Hugs From Mrs Duffyheart