Date: 14th Dec 2017 @ 4:09pm

Image result for kyle amor rugby league

On Wednesday we had a very special visitor in school, Kyle Amor.  Kyle came to promote rugby league, St Helens and Saints work within the community.  He went to visit each class and spoke to the children about being a professional rugby player and  answered lots of questions.  

Questions in KS2 included How many tries have you scored ? What would you have been if you weren't a rugby player? What injuries have you had?How old were you when you started playing rugby?  In KS1 the children were interested in knowing how to play rugby.  Our Reception children wanted to know How do you score a goal? and Do you know my Dad because Saints was 'yucky' laugh 

 All the children enjoyed it  (especially the Wigan fanswink )

Thank-you for coming to visit us and we hope you have a good season.