Special Places

Date: 12th Jul 2017 @ 5:14pm


During our Come and See lessons this week, we have been continuing to learn about Special Places, which is our new topic. Last week, we designed our very own ideal special place during the Explore part of the topic. This week, we have moved on to look at the Reveal section of the topic. This has involved us learning all about Jesus' special places. We learned about a few special places and why they were so special, including:

1. Bethlehem- this is where Jesus was born. It is known as the city of David as it is where King David was born.

2. Nazareth - this is where Jesus grew up. Nazareth was a very poor place and wasn't well thought of by others. It is now a very holy place.

3. The River Jordan - this is where Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist (who was also his cousin).

4. Jerusalem - this is known as 'The Holy City'. Jesus taught often in Jerusalem and this is also where he was betrayed, died and rose again.



During maths lessons this week, we have been looking at mass / weight. We are learning to read scales and work out the intervals to measure weight effectively. We have also been adding and subtracting mass and solving word problems surrounding mass. Miss Barnes is very impressed with how hard we are working in maths. Our homework this week is also related to mass.


A Journey In Love

This week, we have also been learning about relationships. In Year 3, we talked about how to be a good friend and ensure we are treating people as we would like to be treated. We also talked about how God is our best friend, who loves and cares for us. During these lessons, we have been answering questions, completing whiteboard tasks and we have even devised our own set of class rules which are entitled: How To Be A Good Friend. At the end of our lesson, we worked in groups to produce a poster which sums up what we have learned. Our posters were fantastic and included lots of relevant information that we have learned through the week, including:

  • Personal Space
  • Friendships
  • Emotions
  • The story of Zaccheus, the tax collector
  • How we are changing physically, emotionally and socially.