Snow, Stay & Pray and World Book Day!

Date: 1st Mar 2018 @ 4:02pm

Stay and Pray

Today (Thursday 1st March) was Year 6's turn to host Stay & Pray for our parents and grandparents. It was a lovely event, which started our day off in a peaceful way. A big thank you to all of the parents and grandparents who attended. It was lovely to see so many of you and to share our quiet, prayerful time with you. We hoped you found it enjoyable. 

Image result for praying clip art

World Book Day 

Today was also World Book Day (so overall it has been a busy one!) The children were invited to decorate a potato as one of their favourite book characters and bring it into school. There were lots of entries in Year 6- all of them very impressive. Some children chose to make their potato in the style of Auggie Pullman from Wonder (our class text from last term). Other designs included Willy Wonka, Winnie the Pooh, Snow White and Harry Potter.

Well done to everyone for taking part and for putting such effort into your designs! We have uploaded photographs of the children holding their masterpieces on our gallery, so please do go and have a look at them. 

Other news

This week has been an interesting one weather-wise! The children have managed to make it into school every day regardless of the snow, so well done to you all for your punctuality and attendance. We know it's not easy coming to school in conditions such as this. 

As well as celebrating World Book Day, hosting Stay & Pray and attending our Service of Sorrow, we managed to squeeze in some learning as well! In maths, Mrs Hrab is very pleased with the progress the children are making. They are all aware of their targets and are working towards achieving them and where possible, exceeding them. Keep up the good work!

In literacy lessons, we have been adding the finishing touches to the first drafts of our adventure stories. It has taken us quite a lot longer than Miss Barnes anticipated to complete our first drafts because some of us are sheer perfectionists. Hopefully, in the next few lessons we will have our final drafts completed. Miss Barnes has promised us that once our final drafts are completed, we can type up our adventure stories, which we will then use to compile a class book. How exciting!

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