September 2024 information

Date: 2nd Sep 2024 @ 6:46pm

Hi Parents/Carers,

Please see the information below regarding September school start dates and times 😊


Children will begin school on Tuesday, 3rd September 2024.

The children will initially attend for half days on 3rd and 4th September. Entry and pick up via front door.

For children whose surnames begin with:

A-G will attend 9.00-11.30am (Tuesday, 3rd September and Wednesday, 4th September)

H-Z will attend 1.00-3.30pm (Tuesday, 3rd September and Wednesday, 4th September)


On Thursday 5th September all children will attend for the morning session, stay for lunch and be picked up at 1.30pm. (9.00-1:30pm).

On Friday 6th the children will attend full time. (8.45 – 3.30pm).  Entry and pick up via the playground gates and class door.


Thank you for your continued support,

The Reception Team