Return To Home School 8th June

Date: 7th Jun 2020 @ 12:07pm

Welcome back to Home School!

Hope you have all had a glorious two weeks off and enjoyed the sunshine and the walks in the park! Our final term starts today and I have planned some activities for you to try at home.  From the 8th June I will be in school teaching so I am trying a slightly different format for ideas for Home School activities. I will put a timetable up as a suggested format for the week in place of a daily blog.  This will follow the same pattern as previous weeks, with BBC Bitesize lessons alongside White Rose Maths home learning with some additional Education City MYCITY Homework tasks and Purple Mash 2 Dos.  This will be the pattern for Monday to Wednesday and then Mrs Ryan will set some topic based tasks for Thursday and Friday.

Very Important to note:

The first week takes lessons from 1st June on BBC Bitesize as this is when a lot of schools returned (we had a two week Whit Holiday this year) so you will have to find the lessons for 1st June and not the 8th June (today).

For those of you who want to print out I have sometimes added the worksheet, but there is no need to do this as it practises the same skills and content as the screen activity. (This is on MYCITY)

This term many of the activities will be consolidation and revision of topics and concepts taught in previous terms so there should be a high degree of independence with these tasks.

wc 8th June





BBC Bitesize (1st June)

The 10 times table

White Rose Home Maths


MYCITY – activities to support the above.

BBC Bitesize (1st June)

Sentence Types


MYCITY – Think Its and activities to support this

Investigating Capacity (This is a summer term 2 maths unit)

It’s time to become a Capacity Detective! Capacity is the maximum amount or volume an object can contain or hold.

Find things around the house that have:

  • a capacity of less than 1 litre
  • a capacity of one litre
  • a capacity of more than one litre

Make a table to record your results. 

Fill a bucket with some water and then estimate what it holds.  Write this down. Then check using a 1 litre container – you might have one of these around the house, if not use a fizzy pop bottle or milk carton.  Do your investigations over the sink or in the bath so you don’t end up spilling water everywhere!  Have fun!


BBC Bitesize Sharing and Grouping (Division) 2nd June

MYCITY Learn screens and activity added to MYCITY (Homework)


White Rose Home Maths

BBC Bitesize

Writing Command Sentences 2nd June

MYCITIES added to Education City to practise sentence structure

Read a book. Write your own comprehension questions.

Can you write:

Rex Retrieval question?

Iggy Inference question?

Pip Prediction question?

Suki Sequencing question?

Victor Vocabulary question?

When you have finished ask a grown up to try and answer the questions.


BBC Bitesize Daily -  Division as grouping

3rd June

Watch ictgames (maths) (google search) for some simple games exploring division and multiplication.  You have to scroll down the screen to find the multiplication and division tab.


BBC Bitesize Daily – spelling and using words with Suffixes 3rd June

MYCITY Homework on Education City has some Think Its, Learn Screens and Activities to support the spelling and understanding of words with suffixes

Reading Assessment added to MYCITY


Topic tasks set by Mrs Ryan


Topic tasks set by Mrs Ryan