Reception Newsletter - 9th June

Date: 9th Jun 2017 @ 5:48pm

Hello everyone,

Can you believe that this is our last half-term in Reception?! But in true Reception-style we will be making the most of every last minute!

This week we found a huge treasure chest full of gold coins, jewels and diamonds. We knew straight away it belonged to a pirate. Inside the chest we found a letter from a pirate called Captain Redbeard. He said he wanted to recruit us as his new pirate crew. So this week we have been completing some pirate training. We have been learning how to talk like a pirate, dress like one, work on a pirate ship and we even found out what they eat and drink. Some of us almost changed our minds about being a pirate when we found out they eat hardtack and grog! Yuck! We have used all our new pirate knowledge to write a promise to Captain Redbeard to be the best pirates we can be. Have a look at some of our promises below!

Now, Captain Redbeard is a funny old pirate. He only counts his treasure in groups of 5. So to help him, we have been sorting his treasure in to groups of 5 to find out how much he has. Some of us even counted in 5s all the way to 100! As tempting as it might be to pinch some of his treasure, we’re all too scared to walk the plank!

In PE we learned how to work on a pirate ship. Miss Davies was the captain (of course) and gave us instructions to follow like “scrub the deck” “climb the rigging” and “swim to shore”. We especially liked when we had to curtsey for the captain’s wife!!

Show and Tell… Today we celebrated lots and lots of achievements in swimming, basketball, horse riding and even a dog show! Well done Gus. We admired a beautiful photo frame and were amazed by some real medals. We loved looking at a crystal collection, along with some shark teeth an ammonite and some beautiful ornaments. It was lovely hearing from the children who don’t usually bring show and tell!

A New Friend

This week we welcomed a new friend to our class, Charlie. He has really enjoyed his first week and we have been really kind friends to him and have been making sure he feels welcome.

Phonics and Reading

We have new tricky words this week stuck in reading records. Please revisit all tricky words on the list sent home at Easter. Please let me know if you need another copy.

Some children are still unsure of some of those ‘two-letters-one-sound’ like oa and ur and particularly ‘three-letters-one-sound’ like igh and air. Please encourage your child to use the sound mat in their reading records to practise their sounds often. Thank you for all of your support.

Enjoy your weekend!

Miss Davies and Miss Parr