Reception Newsletter - 7th July

Date: 7th Jul 2017 @ 8:50am

Hello everyone,

What a busy week we’ve had!

We started off with sports day where we completed our pirate training. We climbed the rigging, fired the cannons, walked the plank, hopped on our peg legs, balanced the parrot, hopped across the islands and did the pirate long jump. We had so much fun and we hope you did too! Thank you for coming smiley

(Our camera ran out of battery just as sports day started, so unfortunately we have no photos. Hopefully you managed to get a few).

It was our trip on Wednesday and we headed to Liverpool to visit the Maritime Museum. We met Captain Jo who showed us to her Pirate Den. We wowed her with all our of pirate knowledge! We dressed in pirate outfits and set to work on the pirate ship. We had to follow all the rules or she said we would have to walk the plank! We scrubbed the deck, lifted the anchor, looked at some hardtack, emptied the poo bucket, looked out for enemy pirate ships, slept on a hammock, looked at some pieces of eight and of course, we searched for treasure. After lunch we walked down to the Pier Head and got on to the ferry. We saw the captain of the ship and shouted Ahoy! to him. He blew the ships horn for us which gave us a bit of a fright!! We really enjoyed the ferry but it was very windy at times. Miss Davies nearly got blown away! Fun was had by all and I must say, the children were as good as gold and super sensible all day. Well done Reception! Take a look at the photos in our Gallery!

Show and Tell…we looked at some photographs of a pet dog named Pepper, we celebrated a dancing achievement and we read a message from a Grandma and Grandad who had sent a postcard all the way from Cornwall!

I hope you all enjoyed our Summer Fair after school today…what a lovely way to finish our amazing week smiley have a great weekend. Two weeks to go!


All Reception staff!