Reception Newsletter - 5th May

Date: 4th May 2017 @ 8:44pm

Dear Parents,

Our egg has finally hatched! We arrived at school on Tuesday to find baby dinosaur footprints, a half-eaten apple along with lots of toys out of place. It was so exciting! We read the story Dinosaurs in my School by Timothy Knapman and listened to all the mischief the dinosaurs were getting up to. We especially liked the part at the end of the story where the Headteacher had turned into a dinosaur! We put our ‘dinosaur hats’ on and imagined being the baby dinosaur hatching from the egg. We explored the classroom, the outdoor area and around the school to help us write about all the mischief our baby dinosaur could be getting up to. Some of the children thought it could be stomping on our beans outside or even eating Mrs Hymers’ Tea@2 cakes!

In maths we have been thinking about distance. We have been using words to describe distance such as furthest, far, nearest, near, shortest. We became jumping dino’s and measured how far we could jump. We have been recording our scores and working out who jumped the furthest and shortest distance. Well done!

In PE we began our Dinosaur Olympics, all in preparation for Sports Day. We are practising lots of different skills such as jumping, running, balancing and throwing. We can’t wait for all the grown-ups to come and watch us smiley We finished our PE session with some lovely, relaxing Dinosaur Yoga.

Show and Tell… take a look at our photos below!

Starting School Booklet

Thank you for returning your permission slips. It is much appreciated! Just waiting on a couple more…if you need another, just let me know.

Phonics and Reading

I am blown away by the amount of progress our children are making in their reading. Thank you for everything you are doing at home. This week we have been completing some reading assessments and this will continue into next week. Look out for new books as some children will be moving up to the next book band.

Please continue to practise reading and spelling the words sent home before Easter. Thank you!

Enjoy the weekend!

Miss Davies and Miss Parr