Reception Newsletter - 30th June

Date: 30th Jun 2017 @ 5:54pm

Hello everyone,

Well on Monday we received a mysterious message warning us about the Pirate Cruncher. We wondered what a Pirate Cruncher was and what it looked like. We soon found out when we read the story The Pirate Cruncher by Jonny Duddle. In the story, the Pirate Cruncher lures the pirates to a treasure island with a promise of booty and eats them at the last minute! Now the only way to keep the Cruncher from eating us newly trained pirates, was to feed it rhyming words. We have been creating our own rhyming strings with real and nonsense words. Some of us created our own rhyming pairs game during our independent learning time.

We were faced with the problem of trying to find out how many pirates the Pirate Cruncher had eaten altogether. We found out that only 10 pirates could live on each ship. So we decided to count the pirates in 10s. Can you believe the Pirate Cruncher has eaten over 100 pirates!?

After our busy morning in Church on Thursday and our wonderful picnic lunch, we skipped PE and took some time to have some good old fun and played all afternoon long. We're lucky enough in Reception to have 'PE' every day. Take a look at our volleyball tournament in the Gallery! 

Show and Tell…We listened to some exciting news about a trip to Wales which ended with a bit of dolphin spotting! We watched the video and squealed with excitement every time we spotted the dolphin’s fins popping up over the waves. How fantastic! We heard all about a very special celebration of a Mummy and Daddy’s wedding day and honeymoon. We asked lots of questions about the photographs. They were just beautiful! We heard about a package being delivered to one house which turned out to be a lovely photograph of a baby cousin. We watched from the window as we scattered one little girl's show and tell all over the garden – don’t worry, it was bird seed! We watched to see if it attracted any birds. Finally, we were intrigued to know how the model owl was made and found out that the beads stick together with water. Wow!

Next week is a busy one...

We have our Pirate Olympics on Monday afternoon. The children will wear their PE kits as normal. See you at 2.15pm laugh

Our trip is on Wednesday…please could you return any remaining forms to the office as soon as possible. Thank you.

We'll be finishing our week with our Summer Fair. Phew!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Davies and Miss Parr