Reception Newsletter - 28th April

Date: 28th Apr 2017 @ 6:32pm

Dear Parents,

This week we discovered cracks in our egg. We’re still wondering which dinosaur it could be. We read the story Bumpus Jumpus Dinosaurumpus by Tony Mitton and used it to help us describe the dinosaur. We have been using all of our senses to describe what the dinosaur looks like, smells like, feels like and sounds like. I must say, we’ve got some super writers!

In maths we have been doing some dinosaur egg addition. We have been exploring different ways of adding. We have used objects, our fingers and even counting on from the biggest number to find the answers. Fantastic adding everyone!

In PE we did some dinosaur dancing. We really enjoyed our warm up dance… you can find it on YouTube; it’s called Dinosaur Stomp by Koo Koo Kanga Roo. We put together some dinosaur dance moves to represent different dinosaurs. We then performed our dances to our friends.

Show and Tell… We listened to lots of good news today. We have someone going to LegoLand at the weekend and a very kind-hearted little girl who donated her old clothes to charity so that they could be sent to Africa for the poor children. We had some boys who showed us their bead creations; a ninja turtle, a snake and a dog. We also saw a fantastic spoon puppet with beautiful long hair. We asked lots of questions about how to make one for ourselves! Last but not least, we listened to a lovely prayer written by one of our girls. Photos below.

Froglet update…We released our little froglets back into their pond at Carr Mill Dam. They were just getting too big for our tank!


Please continue to practise reading and spelling the words sent home before Easter. No new tricky words this week.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Davies and Miss Parr