Reception Newsletter - 26th May

Date: 26th May 2017 @ 11:00am

Hello everyone,

This week were shocked to see a gigantic pair of underpants hanging from our wall!! We couldn’t believe our eyes! We decided that they must belong to a dinosaur so we read the story Dinosaurs Love Underpants by Claire Freedman. At the end of the story the dinosaurs were wiped out. We wondered how dinosaurs became extinct…so we used the internet to find out. We were surprised to learn that not only are dinosaurs extinct but lots of other animals as well!

Now, if you thought that would be enough learning for one week, you’d be wrong! We have even been finding out about endangered animals. We went to the CyberLab and used the internet to find out why they are endangered. We have put all of this information into our writing. Have a look at some examples below!


Not only do dinosaurs love underpants…but they also love socks! Poor T-Rex had muddled up all his socks and he wanted to know how many he had altogether. After pairing the socks up we decided the easiest way to count the socks would be to count in 2s. Can you believe he had 28 socks? The next day our wellies had been knocked over and all muddled up. We easily fixed them by pairing them up and counting in 2s. Fab! Outside we had fun counting our jumps along the playground.


In PE we did some orienteering. We worked fantastically together and showed some amazing teamwork! We read the map and worked out were we would find our numbered cards around the outdoor area! Well done everyone!


Show and Tell… Today we listened to some fabulous information from an Encyclopaedia…Did you know a meteor hit the Earth and killed the dinosaurs? We celebrated a jujitsu achievement…Red belt, wow! We looked at an ammonite fossil. We looked at some special shells from Filey Beach…they were tiny and sharp. We celebrated a fabulous horse riding achievement. We found out a Grandad won a trophy for cricket in 1989! Last but not least we were intrigued by a treasure map and wondered were it might lead us to....


Phonics and Reading

Please can we continue to practise the formation of the following letters.

d, a, c, e, g, b, p, m, n, s, f

(encouraging the children to say the rhyme when they form the letter will help).

Thank you

Have a fabulous half term!

Miss Davies and Miss Parr