Reception Newsletter - 24th March

Date: 23rd Mar 2017 @ 4:54pm


Dear Parents,

On Monday we discovered a tank full of frogspawn! We used the internet to find out more information about them and how they grow and change into frogs. We found out that this is called a life cycle and that life cycles never end. We thought of other animals that have life cycles such as chickens, dogs, cats and even us! This led us to talking all about growing up.

In writing, we wrote about the things we couldn't do when we were babies, things we can do now we are 4 and 5 and things we will be able to do when we are adults.

We already knew that as we get older, we get taller. So in maths we created our own height chart and compared our heights. We were able to say who was taller, who was the shortest, who was the same height etc. Some of us even measured how tall we were. Did you know one of us is 52 cubes tall?

We've had lots of show and tell this week! We gave a huge clap for our two fantastic swimmers; we heard that a brand new baby cousin had been born; we listened to a keen researcher who shared some interesting information from her big book of knowledge; and we were very impressed by two talented children who had constructed a photo frame and a telescope!

In just a couple of days, some of the eggs have already hatched. So now we have six little tadpoles! Take a look at our photos below.


Thank you very much for all the lovely things that have been donated so far. We really appreciate all of your generosity and will be putting it all to good use.


Check the back of your child’s home activity books. There may be updated activities to practise! New tricky words in reading records.


Have a great weekend!

Miss Davies and Miss Parr