Reception Newsletter - 23rd June

Date: 21st Jun 2017 @ 5:32pm

Hello everyone,

As you know it’s been Arts week this week with a quick trip to Spain for us lot. Luckily, we have a class full of Spanish speakers (thanks to Senorita Isabelle).

We began our week with creating some Spanish flags to hang around our classroom to make it feel like we were in Spain.

We then found out lots of amazing information about Spain and thought about whether Spain is similar or different to the UK. We found out that Spanish people have a siesta after their lunch - very different to the UK (much to the disappointment of Miss Davies). We also discovered that there’s no tooth fairy in Spain! Instead, a small mouse called Ratoncito Pérez collects the teeth. Later on Monday we went to see a dance teacher who taught us how to do the Flamenco.

We were busy on Tuesday finding out all about Spanish food. We loved the look of the churros and some of us said we had already tried chorizo. But in the end, we decided to make our very own tostadas to enjoy for snack. Delish! After snack we set to work making some Spanish art work inspired by a famous artist named Joan Miro. We were sad to hear that people had laughed at his work when he was a young boy. We said we would never hurt someone’s feelings like that.

On Wednesday we found out about some Spanish festivals. Did you know there is a festival called La Tomatina? This festival is a huge tomato fight! We thought it might be a good idea to celebrate that festival here in the UK...

On Thursday we made some Spanish instruments to accompany our Spanish dancing and enjoyed making some traditional Spanish fans to keep us cool. It’s definitely felt like Spanish weather this week.

Today we learned how to play the castanets! We were amazing!!

We’ve had an amazing week celebrating our wonderful world! 

Show and Tell...We celebrated two acheivements today for swimming and gymnastics! Well done! We looked at a book with some tricky challenges to complete. One challenge said 'which line in the longest?' We also heard about a discovery of an unusual rock. We agreed it looked at little like a moon rock. Finally, we were amazing by a wonderful bead necklace. Can you believe there were 81 bead on it?


I am sending out another letter tonight to be completed and returned as soon as possible (along with the permission slip and payment) Thank you! 

Have a great weekend!!