Reception Newsletter - 21st April

Date: 20th Apr 2017 @ 7:54pm

Dear Parents,

This week we discovered a giant footprint on our playground. Then we found a huge egg in our classroom! We knew straight away it had to belong to a dinosaur! We have been trying to find out which dinosaur it belongs to by using information books. We have been fantastic researchers and found out all about herbivores and carnivores and the types of eggs they lay. We have recorded all of this information in our writing.  

In maths we have been exploring 3D shapes. We are really good at naming shapes like cylinders, spheres and cubes. We found lots of 3D objects around our classroom. We used 3D shapes to make dinosaur footprints and were able to say what shape faces each had e.g. a cube has a square face, a cylinder has a circle face.

In PE we did some dinosaur gymnastics. We practised different types of jumps like a star jump, tuck jump and pencil jump. We then began to put together a sequence of jumps and performed them to our friends. Well done!

For show and tell this week, we all had a turn to share our half-term news. We looked at eachother's writing and photos. By the sounds of it, everyone had lots of fun...and lots of chocolate!

Play equipment

We LOVE our new basket ball nets and climbing wall. We were so proud of ourselves when we managed to climb from one end of the wall to the other!


Please continue to practise reading and spelling the words sent home before Easter. New tricky words in reading records.


Have a great weekend!

Miss Davies and Miss Parr