Reception Newsletter - 16th June

Date: 18th Jun 2017 @ 2:16pm

Hello everyone,

On Monday we discovered some very old looking items. There was an old sewing machine, a lantern, old jewellery, an old rum bottle and some black and white photographs. We said they were ‘old fashioned’ and came from a long, long time ago. We explored the meaning of the word ‘past’. Together we read an information book called Pirates of the Past which told us all about a pirate named Blackbeard. We found out lots of information like his real name was Edward Teach and he was born in 1690 in England. We found out what he looked like and the sorts of things he did all those years ago. We decided to make a ‘wanted’ poster for Blackbeard, just like the police officers would have done in those times. Did you know they didn’t have telephones back then?

In maths we have been focussing on recognising and writing teen numbers. We have been counting Blackbeard’s treasure and recording the amounts; making sure we form all of the numbers correctly. I have attached a link below to some number formation rhymes that will help those children who need a bit of practise.

We enjoyed PE in the sunshine this week. We got out our parachute and played lots of team games such as Pirates and Sharks and Mushroom. We had so much fun!

Show and Tell… Today we celebrated a horse riding achievement and two football achievements. We listened to some fascinating information about pine cones. Did you know they open and close depending on the weather? We heard about some sad news about a much loved dog who went to heaven earlier this week. We talked about remembering all the lovely memories. We also looked at a beautiful memory box belonging to another loved dog who went to heaven a couple of years ago. We said it was good to keep things to help us remember the good times.

The children and Miss Parr have been working so hard in our garden. This week we were able to pick some of the vegetables we have grown. We tried some radish and peppers during snack. They went down a treat!


I might have let it slip about our school trip next month! I'm sorry!! laugh The children left on Friday very excited about getting their permission slips signed. No letters have been sent home yet, I will be sending the letter out on Monday with all the details included.


Phonics and Reading

We have new tricky words this week stuck in reading records. Please revisit all tricky words on the list sent home at Easter. Please let me know if you need another copy.

Please continue to encourage your child to use the sound mat in their reading records to practise their sounds often. Thank you for all of your support.


Enjoy your weekend!

Miss Davies and Miss Parr

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