Reception Newsletter - 14th July

Date: 13th Jul 2017 @ 5:33pm

Hello everyone,

On Monday we discovered a knapsack. We opened it up and found an eyepatch, a cutlass, a piece of rope, some socks and a toothbrush! We decided it belonged to a pirate who was going on an adventure. We listened to the story A New Home for a Pirate by Ronda Armitage and heard all about Jed – a pirate who wanted to live in a house. On his search for a new home, he helped some animal friends using the things he had packed in his bag. We decided to write our own versions of this story. We changed the characters and their problems along with how they needed to be saved. We definitely have some authors in the making.

Of course we know how to work on a pirate ship but did you know that pirates have to do certain jobs at certain times in the day? At 7 o’clock we had our breakfast; at 8 o’clock we scrubbed the deck, at 9 o’clock we emptied the poo bucket, at 10 o’clock we climbed the rigging, at 11 o’clock we search for treasure and so on! To make sure we completed all of our jobs, we had to learn how to tell the time. We have been amazing at recognising and making o’clock times this week. Some of us even worked out some time problems like, ‘It’s 9 o’clock. If I scrub the deck in 2 hours, what time will it be?’

During Come and See this week we have been learning about our world. We appreciated things that are wonderful about our world during our senses walk. We said “I can see a beautiful flower”, “I can smell the lavender plant”, “I can feel the smooth leaves” and “I can hear the tweeting birds”. We listened to the story of Creation and used our small world resources to retell the story and create our world.

We say a big hello to our new friend Isla who will be joining us full time in Year 1. She has been visiting this week and has been made to feel super welcome. We will also be welcoming another friend, Lily, in September. How exciting!

Show and Tell…We heard all about a trip to Chester Zoo. We watched a video clip of the rhino and her baby as well as lots of other wonderful photos the trip. We listened to lots of facts about all the animals at the zoo and we had lots of questions to ask. We celebrated a horse riding achievement for great jumping, a footbal achievement and a school sports club achievement. We also looked at a wonderful painting, a beautiful princess hat and looked at a 'volcano shaped' rock. 

PE kits have been sent home this week (except for children in sports clubs). They do not need to be returned now as we won’t be doing PE next week. Instead we will be busy busy busy having lots of fun with our friends.

We would really, really appreciate any donations of uniform, coats, wellies, PE kits, pumps, underwear, socks etc that you no longer want. Thank you!

We won’t be sending home anymore library or reading books next week. So please could you return all books you may have on Monday. Thank you.

This is also our last week of homework. Homework books will not need to be returned next Thursday (I trust that everyone will still do this week’s though!)

Finally, we will be sending home our wonderful files full of our amazing hard work for you to enjoy. Reports will also be sent out.

We really want to say thank you to you all for a wonderful year. We are enormously proud of each and every one of your children. They really are the most kind, thoughtful, cheery little people and we’ve had the most amazing year with them. Thank you for letting us be part of their first year at ‘big school’.


All Reception staff heart